Mozilla pulls out of PoW crypto donations based on climate commitments


Mark Surman, being the executive director of the Mozilla Foundation, last week notified the suspension of donation contributions in the crypto system. The software organization decided to study and analyze the effects of coins on the environment in detail. The Mozilla team is committed to sharing the results and findings of their observations.

The organization no longer accepts proof-of-work digital assets. The decision is justified by excessive capacity. Less energy content "proof-of-stake" resource. Mozilla will work with him to accept digital currency. Mark Surman said that the list of eligible coins will be submitted at the end of the second reporting period in 2022.

The basis for such action is the software organization's climate commitment. Their regulation is aimed at minimizing emissions into the atmospheric air, normalized by the Paris Document on Climate Agreements.

The Mozilla Foundation team considers PoW evidence-based virtual facilities as those that greatly increase the emission of vapors and gas mixtures. Stopping PoW digital assets will allow the software organization to maintain its obligations.