Tether is going to transfer reserve assets from debt liabilities to bonds


Paolo Ardoino, the CTO of Tether and the stablecoin issuer, announced a reduction in debt reserves. By the end of the fourth reporting period in 2021, the firm managed to close 32% of receipts. The director said that the company intends to work towards reducing the size of existing assets in the form of debt obligations. The firm will focus on investments in bonds issued by the US Treasury Department.

This transition will help:

    reduction of possible risks;
    increasing the transparency of business activities.

Tether does not open lists of organizations that issued receipts, which makes investors doubt the safety of such investments. They cannot be sure of the stability of the virtual currency exchange rate. The concerns of USDT holders are well founded.

Earlier it was reported that information was received that spoke of the safety of several billion in dollar terms, in the format of debt obligations issued by Chinese companies. In contrast, Tether employees claimed USDT was covered by the dollar. The company was fined $41 million for false information.